jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Bienvenido a la Web, Yeguada Francisco Robles

Francisco Robles was born in Huelva, a very young age he wakes up a special interest in an animal, "the Horse". From the hand of his paternal uncle from which comes its name, that it introduces more intensely in this exciting world, is feeling increasingly as a special attraction for this beautiful and noble animal. It was jockey rather than livestock, participating in various competitions around the year 1,973 with two horses Pure Breed Spanish; one of them was Tintorera iron Candau and the other Virtues III, iron Romero Benitez. Participating in the dressage and beam patterns. What he calls a horse P.R.E. its functionality is in addition to their morphology and without leaving behind its nobility and kindness. They also highlight all its beauty and character.

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